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Δευτέρα, 04 Ιούλιος 2016 07:22 |
foundation program for safe self sufficient diving. The IANTD Advanced
Recreational Trimix program covers the core skills from the technical
diver training programs including the use of twinsets with central
isolation manifolds and decompression skills and procedures using bottom
mixes of Recreational Trimix with oxygen contents between 21% and 40%
with a maximum pO2 of 1.5 bar, combined with a helium content to yeild
an Equivelent Narcotic Depth (END) no greater than 28 msw.
An essential component of this program is equipment configuration which
is covered in a series of lectures and practical workshops. The aim
being to construct a safe self sufficient equipment configuration that
is streamlined, accessible and promotes familiarity. Theory covered
includes the END concept, oxygen physiology, oxygen tracking, the use of
EANx as a decompression gas, gas switching techniques, partial
pressures and best mixes.
This program qualifies divers to dive to 48 msw (160 fsw) and to perform
decompression stops utilising EANx decompression mixtures with an
oxygen concentration no greater than 1.5 pO2 for a maximum duration of
15 minutes.
What do you need to enroll in this program?
- Open Circuit
- Must be a qualified IANTD Deep Diver or equivalent.
- Must be a qualified IANTD EANx Diver or equivalent.
- Must be a minimum of 15 years old.
- Proof of a minimum of 30 logged dives or sufficient experience to
satisfy the instructor that the student has the ability and knowledge to
continue into this level of training.
- Rebreather
- Must be a qualified IANTD Recreational Rebreather Deep Diver or equivalent.
- Must be a minimum of 17 years old.
- IProof of a minimum of 30 logged dives 20 of which were on the rebreather to be used.
What is the minimum materials requirements?
- For Rebreather: IANTD Rebreather Advanced Recreational Trimix Diver Student Kit
- For Open Circuit: IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix Diver Student Kit.
What this program must include?
- Academic Sessions
- Physiological and Psychological Considerations;
- Dive Planing and Gas Management ... and much more.
- Confined Water Sessions
- Deploy lift bag ... and much more.
- Open Water Sessions
- Regulator Failure Drill, Practice of ALL Emergency Scenarios and much more ...
What makes an IANTD class different?
- More knowledge!
- More Practical Skills & Emergency Drills
- Focus on have better, more confortable and safer divers
Why you should enroll to an IANTD Programs?
- Simply because Train Divers is What Does Best;
- IANTD is always ahead of time and leading the diving education as we are known to be always the First to Teach;
- IANTD has a well elaborated and progressive training.
Just to list a few of classes you can enroll in after this one!
- Tek Lite Cave Diver (OC, SCR, CCR)
- Normoxic Trimix Diver (OC, SCR, CCR)
- Advanced Wreck Diver (OC, SCR, CCR)
Advanced Nitrox Student Kit.
- 2
regulators separate, one of them with a long hose (1.5m or 2m) is recommended,
and the 2nd with a short hose with a necklace as backup.
- Wings and Plate, Transpac, or other.
- A
single cylinder with a dual outlet Valve or a manifold twinset.
- A
safety or decompression gas cylinder rigged as either a pony or stage cylinder with Deco Regulator.
Gas cylinders must be oxygen clean and oxygen serviceable where needed.
Wherever you want to go, IANTD can take you there!!